Civil Engineer must have knowledge | civil Engineer tips
- ASTM Abbrevation : American Society for Testing Materials
- Grade of Concrete is denoted as Cement: Sand: Aggregate (Ex M20 Grade : 1:1.5:3)
- C/C means Center to Center Distance
- DL means Development Length
- Lapping of bars not allowed if the dia of bar is more than 36mm.
- For circular column minimum of 6 longitudinal bars are used.
- The minimum thickness of slab is 0.125m
- Water pH value less than 6 should not be used for construction purpose.
- The concrete Should not be thrown from a height more than 1m.
- The Compressive strength of Bricks is 3.5 N /mm2
- The initial setting time shall not be less than 30 minutes and the final setting time of cement is 10hours.
- Dead Load means Self weight of Structure
- Sand having moisture content more than 5% should not be used for Concrete mix.
- DPC means Damp Proof Course. The thickness of DPC should not be less than 2.5cm.
- Cube test is carried out for each 30m3 usage of concrete.
- RMC : Ready Mix concrete, The concrete is made at factory and transported to the site, This type of concrete is used where there is a lack of space for mixing the concrete and used where a huge amount of concrete is required for construction.
- The height of floor is usually 3m or 10ft (If a person asks you whats the height of 12 storied building? Ans: 3m x 12floors = 36m)
- A head mason can work 25-30m3 in a day.
- In construction, the rate analysis for the work of workers is calculated in Man Hours. (Ex: 10$ for 1 Man hour)
- Cantilever Beam has One fixed support and the other end is free, Simply supported beam has a minimum of two supports.
- PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) this type of concrete is used on members only when the tensile forces are not acting on it.
- The weight of first class clay brick should be 3.85 Kg. and it has a crushing strength of 10.5MN/m2
- Adding more water in the concrete mix to increase setting time leads to form the Cracks or honeycomb in hardened concrete.
- Vibration in freshly made concrete is done to remove the air bubbles in concrete mix.
- Impermeability of concrete: The concrete which resists the the entry of water or moisture into it.
- The concrete can be lifted to a maximum height of 50m using Concrete Pumps.
- The curing Period of RCC is 28days.
- The minimum sill level height should be 44 inches.
- The transverse reinforcement provided in columns are called Ties.
- The transverse reinforcement provided in Beams is called as Stirrups.
- Stirrups in Beams and Ties in Column are provided to handle the shear force and to keep longitudinal bars in position.
- The Prime reason for using steel as reinforcement is due to thermal expansion. The thermal expansion coefficient of concrete and steel is (approximately) same having value 12×10−6/°C
- M20 grade of concrete is generally used in the construction of slab.
- Weight of Bar is calculated using formula D2/162 (D = Dia of bar in mm)
- The No. of Bricks required for 1m3 of Brick masonary are 550 bricks.
- Specific gravity of Cement is 3.16g/cm3; Bricks is 2g/cm3; Sand is 2.65g/cm3 ,
- Standard Size of Brick is 19cm x 9cm x 4 cm or 19cm or 9cm x 9 cm
- Floor area occupied by 50kg of Cement bag is 0.3m2 and height of 0.18m.
- As per IS 456: 2000, Maximum dia of bar used in the slab should not exceed 1/8th of the total thickness of the slab.
- IS 456:2000 is Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
- IS 800:2000 is code of Practice for General steel construction
- The slope or Pitch of the stair should be in between 25 degrees to 40 degrees.
- The rise in stairs is in between 150mm to 200mm.
- Tread in staircase is in between 250mm to 300mm.
- Hook length should not be less than 9D (Dia of Bar)
- Unit weight of PCC is 24KN/m3 , RCC is 25 KN/m3 , Steel is 7850Kg/m3
- The volume of 50kg cement bag is 1.3CFT.
- Theodolite least count is 20Secs whereas Compass Least count is 30mins.
- TMT bars : TMT means Thermo Mechanically treated bars
- Cement more than 3 months old cannot be used for construction
- The length of each bar from factory is 12m.
Must Remember the Concrete Mix ratio of Different grades of Concrete atleast till M20 grade of concrete
Concrete Grade | Mix Ratio |
M5 | 1:5:10 |
M7.5 | 1:4:8 |
M10 | 1:3:6 |
M15 | 1:2:4 |
M20 | 1:1.5:3 |
M25 | 1:1:2 |
M30, M35, M40, M45, M50, M55, M60, M65, M70 | Design Mix |
Know about the Slump value of Concrete for Different concrete works
Concrete Mixes | Slump range in mm |
Columns, Retaining walls | 75-150mm |
Beams & Slabs | 50-100mm |
CC Pavements | 20-30mm |
Decks of bridge | 30-75mm |
Vibrated Concrete | 12-25mm |
Huge Mass constructions | 25-50mm |