civil site visit

Quality Engineer should know these Questions

This blog is very very important for those students who are preparing for interviews

  • Check placing complete within 60 minutes of concrete mixing time.
  • Check and ensure placement of fill in layer of 200mm max. and each layer is well compacted
  • Check for verticality and alignment of the brickwork. Deviation shall not be more than tolerance limt i.e.10mm in alignment and 5mm in verticality for 3m ht.
  • Check correctness of material batching as specified and ensure that only the quantity of mortar which can be consumed within 30 minutes of its mixing is prepared at a time.
  • Check that brick work is not carried out more  than 1200mm in a day, necessary pipe sleeves, weep holes, opening etc as per drawing requirement are provided with correct diminsion.
  • *Free Fall Drops Less than 1.50m for normal mix using chute, bucket. Etc. & 2.40m for pump mix.
  • Concrete Layer thickness Properly Regulated (150mm First Layer, 400mm Max Thereafter) Ensure that panel wise casting as planned is carried out in case of paving
  • Check for verticality and alignment of the brickwork. Deviation shall not be more than tolerance limt i.e.10mm in alignment and 5mm in verticality for 3m ht.
  • Check availability of 0.035 cum gauge box and suitable size water measures and mechanical mixer are available at site for mortar preparation.
  • Check that all vertical joints are staggered and joint thickness is 10 to 12mm. Ensure that joints are racked to depth of 10mm
  • Check for minimum 7 days curing of all masonary work
  • Ensure that bricks are soaked & under SSD condition while it is taken for use. Half or cut bricks shall not be used
  • Check installation of polythene covering during rainy and very hot weather.
  • Check that surface to be painted is thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, dust, loose mortar dropping, and any other foreign material. Efflorescenece if any shall be cleaned off.
  • Check & verify correct pouring sequence to avoid formation of cold joint
  • Concrete maximum temperature Limit : 30′ C. (Typical ) Max. 35′ C
  • Time Limit :     (60 minutes max between mixing and placing of concrete.)
  • Check reinforcement placement tolerances : Bar spacing +/- 15mm maximum Cover =10mm/-0, Tie & stirrups spacing +/- 15mm
  • Check reinforcement lap length as per drawing and laps are straggered. Check proper fixing & alignment of couplers if used.
  • Check proper placement of all concrete cover blocks, Spacer/chairs etc.
  • Check proper placement of polythene sheet with minimum 150mm overlap.
  • Check release agent applied to formwork. (prior to fixing rebar)
  • Check that filler boards are fixed to all junctions of paving & foundation.
  • Check proper placing dowel bars with cap for expansions joints.
  • Check reinforcement bar are free from rust, scale, grease or any other foreign material
  • Check concrete batch order information is complete & correct, including quantity, mix design, temperature etc.
  • Check that all visible cracks in concrete surface are filled up properly with approved procedure.
  • Check proper repair materials, polymer modified morrat/1:3 cement : Fine Sand mortar, or any other specifed in per approved procedure is used.
  • Check that the surface to be plastered is cleaned of all dust, loose mortar droppings, efflorescence and other foreign matter. Ensure pre-wetting of the surface prior to application of plaster.
  • Check that all masonary joints are racked, and hacking is made on concrete surface to be plaster
  • Ensure fixing of 150mm wide expanded GI metal lath of size 25x50mm is fixed on the junction of RCC and masonary work.
  • Check correctness in the material batching as per specified mix propotion and ensure that only mortar that can be consumed within 30 minutes of mixing prepared at a time.
  • Check that first coat is of 12mm thk. Followed by finished coat of 8mm in case of sand faced plaster. Ensure that the finished coat is applicable after under coat is set, but not dried and within 48 hours.
  • Check that 6mm length Recron 3S fibes are mixed in the mortar @ 125gms per 50 kg. cement bag. (If specified)
  • Check that plaster on the top copping of parapet wall is tilting inside for proper drainage of water.
  • Final external surface of plaster is finished of true with trowel smooth finished or sponged finished rough texture as per requirement. All corners, edges and angles of pillars, parapet etc are truly vertical / horizontal.
  • Check for minimum 10 days curing is done for all plaster work.
This book is very important for freshers
  • Mix 1.0 Litre of Piramid(Chlorpyriphos 20% EC) with19 litres of water to get a 1.0% ai Piramid Emulsion and apply of the below stages.
  • Stage:1Check that Plinth filling holes up to 500 mm deep and 150 mm centers shall be made along the all beams and columns. The chemical Emulsion shall be poured/sprayed @7.5Ltr/Sqmts of the vertical surface in to these holes.
  • Stage:2Check that the top surface of consolidated earth in plinth area new soil level below ground floor slab shall be treated with chemical emulsion @ 5.0 Ltr/Sqmts.( diluted liquid)